Well, let me tell you that the Western adventures were really that! Here’s one of very interesting things that we ran into, or, rather, didn’t run into, but saw in real-life. The photo on the right is of Horny Mike’s bus at Count’s Kustoms in Las Vegas. If you watch Counting Cars on the History Channel you know about Horny Mike, Count Danny, Ryan, and the rest of the bunch. We were lucky enough to be able to take some time and stop by the shop.
They have a very cool museum, which is free, that is loaded with a great collection of cars and other artifacts. You have to see it to believe it. Visitors can stroll along and take lots of photos. The work on the cars and motorcycles is truly inspiring.
After exploring the collection we went back outside where the temperature was a stunning 101 degrees. Hey, it IS Vegas, right? The bus was out front so we took some photos. As we started to melt into the parking lot, we decided to walk back to the car. Guess what? Mike himself was walking down the lot while chatting with some folks.
It was pretty cool to see him in person.
Interested in seeing more of the Count’s cars? Check out my new photo gallery at www.lipera.com/gallery/Wheels-and-Wings/Count-s-Kustoms-May-2017/.