These are buttermilk biscuits using my favorite Betty Crocker recipe. I make them recently, and they came out rather nicely, if I do say so myself.
But, there’s an interesting story here. I made the same recipe (sort of ) back around Thanksgiving. I made an error. The standard recipe uses certain ingredients in specific amounts. No surprise there, right? Well, sure! There’s an alternative version of that standard recipe. If you use buttermilk instead of regular milk you swap out one ingredient for another and change the amounts of a couple others. That’s not a big deal.
Unfortunately, for some reason I forgot to read the alternative options and missed the swapping and changing. Rather than start over, I just used buttermilk rather than regular milk. The results were spectacular! Those biscuits were fluffy with great taste. They were also about 50% taller, too.
The biscuits you see here were really good, but the next time I think I will try my accidental version and see what happens.