Sony TC-355 Reel-To-Reel Repair: Success!
After cleaning, re-lubrication, and adjustment the Sony TC-355 reel-to-reel tape recorder was ready to go. Take a listen right here on YouTube –
Hobby projects including cars, photography, woodworking, restoration, and many other things of interest.
After cleaning, re-lubrication, and adjustment the Sony TC-355 reel-to-reel tape recorder was ready to go. Take a listen right here on YouTube –
In the last two posts we have been looking at a very cool Sony TC-355 reel-to-reel tape machine that is in desperate need of repair. While the backward function worked, the forward and fast forward functions did not. Now we will see about the fix. Once the internal components were …
In the last post we took a look at a Sony TC-355 that I recovered from the recycle pile. After a thorough cleaning we were able to test it. Unfortunately, only the rewind function worked correctly, and it was obviously necessary to get inside the machine. Here is what we …
I ran across this Sony TC-355 reel-to-reel tape machine. It had been discarded and was covered in a layer of dirt and, I think, nicotine. I figured that even if there was a slight chance of rescuing the machine it would be worth the effort. Anyway, I dragged it home …
With the old foam surrounds removed and the speaker frames and cones cleaned up, the next step was to install the new foams following the instructions. NOTE: Remember, I am not a technician. These posts only describe my adventures. If you try this stuff yourself, you should consult and …
In the previous post I described finding that the foams in a pair of Boston A70 speakers were bad. In this post I will describe how I removed the old foam. NOTE: I am not a technician and these posts should not be considered “how-to” advice. They are nothing more …
I was recently given a pair of Boston Acoustics A70 speakers because they were thought to be broken beyond repair. Boston A70 speakers are very good and have a strong following among the vintage HiFi crowd. From the outside, the speakers appear to be in very good condition. After taking …
A lucky day at the Polish Community Center where Record Riots was held one of there periodic record shows. The place was jammed with folks looking for music gold, and the trip through the rain/snow mix was worth it. I managed to snag several great finds, including this one, The …
Facebook followers know that I have recently been working on some CD players that I have acquired periodically over the last several months. Many of these non-working machines need nothing more that a new belt or two to get them back into first-class shape. Because I have been asked about …
The last post featured a cute little dog looking at a pumpkin, both of which were generated using artificial intelligence. In this case the two cats here are supposed to be a pair of Manx, but they seem to be a little generic. The descriptive phrase used was “Two Manx …