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Category: <span>Hobby</span>

Category: Hobby

A Little Baking Project

Are you a collector of Bear Wallow books? It seems like a lot of people are collectors of these slim cookbooks. I have quite a few of them. I do not know the exact number, but I am guess that I have more than a dozen. My latest acquisition is …

MG Flipping

What we have here is a blast from the past. In this case we are flipping the MG Midget body that is mounted on a rotisserie that I built. Some folks have been confused in that they thought the body-work was done ON the rotisserie. That is not correct. The …

Big Band Bargains

There I was, wandering around the Restore store on Fuller Road when I ran across this little gem.  Mind, you, we are talking a 7-disc set here! Pretty good condition, over all, with a few minor oopsies but good. The stunning price, well, would you believe $1.99? Only thing is, …

Rock Out with the Ventures!

Tacoma’s favorite band, The Ventures!  Yep, I found this little gem at the 30th Anniversary Sale at The Last Vestige a couple of months back. As I am sure you know (just say “yes”, Ventures fans. You know you are.) this disc features their big hit, the Hawaii Five-0 theme. …