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Category: <span>Projects</span>

Category: Projects

PBM-8 Rescue

I had occasion to acquire a pair of Tannoy PBM-8 studio speakers recently.  These units were manufactured in June of 1988 and were originally purchased from a Tannoy dealer in suburban Philadelphia. They have had a colorful history, and were moved a number of times before landing in rural environment …

The Other Plastic Dog

A second plastic dog statue
Last week I showed off a plastic dog statue that we rescued from the trash and repaired. This is the buddy to the first dog. This plastic statue was also in the trash, but his condition was much worse. An ear was missing, the tail was broken, and a large portion of his jaw was gone. We repaired him with JB SteelStick and jazzed him up with a spiffy new paint job. Now he is watching the front door and is ready to welcome visitors along with his pal.

Welcome Dog

Repaired and restored plastic porch dog with welcome bone
There’s a story here. This is a plastic statuary pooch that we recovered from the trash at the side of the road. He had a damaged tail and a broken ear. But, we repaired him with some JB SteelStick two-part putty and give him a new stylish paint job. Now he welcomes visitors and is very happy doing it, too.

New Bench Based on Old Design

I realized that I needed some sort of carpenter’s bench and was stuck as to what to do about it. A common type of workbench from the “old days” was the shaving bench. It was similar in design to a cobbler’s bench, but had a lever-action “head” that functioned as …