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Category: <span>Travel</span>

Category: Travel

Ship Ahoy!

This sailing ship made quite the sight as it prepared to make a 180 degree turn-about after slipping it’s moorings. This ship had a twin, and both were tied up at Chase Park in Marina Del Rey, We arrived just in time to see them cast off and maneuver away …

Sunny Flower in SoCal

One thing is for sure, spring in sunny Southern California is a treat that is not be missed. The stunning yellow hibiscus is a big show-off at Fishermen’s Village in Marina Del Rey. Adjacent to this display was another bush featuring red flowers. While those were certainly worthy of a …

Ft. Worden – ’74

Washington. 1974. Scanned from print. Tri-X or Pan-X.
Battery Kinzie, Ft. Worden, Fort. Worden State Park , Washington. 1974. Scanned from print. Tri-X or Pan-X.

Coke Sign In Tacoma

Back in the day, downtown Tacoma, along Pacific Avenue, had lots of brick buildings. Advertising signs were often painted on the buildings. 5 cents seems a bargain by today's standards.
Back in the day, downtown Tacoma, along Pacific Avenue, had lots of brick buildings. Advertising signs were often painted on the buildings. 5 cents seems a bargain by today’s standards.