Lincoln Memorial —– in Legos!

This is a photograph of locomotive #31, a Baldwin, on the Strasburg Rail Road in Strasburg, Pennsylvania. The locomotive was built in Philadelphia in 1908.
This photo was snapped along the “Road to Paradise”, which is Strasburg’s line from the Strasburg station to Paradise along Route 30 in Lancaster County. The filmstock was Kodak Kodacolor Gold 35mm. I recently scanned it from the original negative. This image has been mildly touched up in Photoshop to correct color shift and aging.
A few months ago we had occasion to visit the mall while the Lego Americana Roadshow was in attendance for a few weeks. If you have not seen what Lego Master Creators can do, you have really missed something amazing. The Roadshow has 10 models, and the US Capital building is one of the most amazing. According to the accompanying sign, eight people worked for 1700 hours to make this astonishing model. As I recall, the structure is about 26 feet wide and about 10 feet high. The display base adds another 3 feet or so to that height figure.
Seriously, if you get the chance to see the Lego Americana Roadshow, be sure to take it. Keep an eye out for it to appear in your area.
A few years ago we had the opportunity to visit the original Uno Pizzeria in Chicago.. That’s it on the right. Yes, the pizza is good. Yes, the atmosphere is original. Yes, I’d go back again. But, what I think is the most fun is that this is the one, …