Admittedly, this is a fairly horrible scan of a print. But you don’t see a MiG 15 very often these days, so I figured the photo was worth the effort even if it was not as good as we might have hoped. Those interested in military aircraft history know that the MiG 15 was a formidable fighter during the Korean War. This one appeared at the NAS Willow Grove Air Show in 1989. It was there that this photograph was taken.
Every couple of years, as I recall, NAS Willow Grove hosted an air show. This image, and the two that were in the previous two posts, were taken during the show of ’89. At that time I was experimenting with Agfacolor color print film. Unfortunately, Agfa film of that time did not seem to have the same quality color as other films, not the least of which was Kodak’s Kodacolor. But, before one blames the old Agfa film for the problems with this photo, it is necessary to point out that the scanning was done using older Photoshop’s built-in WIA support. And that software, to be blunt, did not do a particularly good job. Acrobat X Pro creates a better scan, but there are other issues that I was not in the mood to deal with. Ah, well, we can’t have everything, can we?