One of the biggest problems that Web developers have is keeping up with the latest and greatest in methodology. The Web changes rapidly, in fact it is in a constant state of flux. Nary a week goes by that there is not some new development in SEO, JavaScript, coding, security, or just about everything else. Most of us are constantly scanning the Web for tips and news.
We all have our favorite sources and resources where it go for hot info. HTML5, the current standard for site coding, is still evolving. Some consider “plain old” HTML to be boring stuff, but the fact is, great new tricks and features are appearing all the time.
Well, fellow code fiends, I ran across this really, really cool tip just the other day. Did you know that you can use HTML5 to specify auto-capitalization on characters, words, or sentences? Right! Cool!
Find out all about it on the noupe.com Web site right there http://www.noupe.com/design/html5-automatic-capitalization-using-autocapitalize-94602.html.
NOTE: According to the article, this currently only works in Chrome on mobile devices! But it is still cool, right? And can computer be far behind?