Some people say that the San Fernando Valley is the center of the custom car universe. Perhaps that is true. Famous names such as Valley Customs started out there. Today that area of the Greater Los Angeles region is still home to more than a few customizers. One of the most well-known is West Coast Customs.
Fans of the TV show Inside West Coast Customs know the operation as the place where stars go to get their rides done up to the max. Most of would never guess that anybody can walk in the door. Well, I am here to tell you that it is possible to walk in the door and see the place. If you are lucky, you might even meet one of the folks you see on the show.
We stopped in one evening to take a look around. There is a small showroom featuring several cars, a shop for purchasing swag or their own brand of car care products, and a way you can look into the shop to see what is being worked on.
I can pretty much guarantee that I will never afford to have my car customized by West Coast Customs, but I can certainly dream. And maybe a set of those wheel you see on the right might look fly on the Subie.