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Pioneer PD-M410 – The Investigation

Pioneer PD-M410 – The Investigation

As mentioned in the previous post, somebody cut the power cord off of the Pioneer PD-M410 that I acquired. The next step will be to take a look inside. If luck is available, the only problem could be a blown fuse!

Stub of power cord on the Pioneer PD-M410

This is where the mains power cord comes into the CD player. Unfortunately, this particular machine does not have a fuse, so if there is a problem it will take further investigation to sort it out.

Mains power circuit board for Pioneer PD-M410

It seemed like a good idea to test the various mechanisms before I repaired the wrecked power cord. The Pioneer PD-M410 CD player has a 6-disc cartridge. There is one motor to eject the cartridge and another one to manipulate the discs in and out of position. If the motors are damaged or the gears jammed there is not much point in continuing.

As it turns out, both motor and gear sets turned smoothly when I gave them a tiny spin. Turning the gears allowed me to manually eject the cartridge. A little more testing will tell us just about all we need to know.

Testing the cartridge mechanism