This sailing ship made quite the sight as it prepared to make a 180 degree turn-about after slipping it’s moorings. This ship had a twin, and both were tied up at Chase Park in Marina Del Rey, We arrived just in time to see them cast off and maneuver away from the dock and into the main roadway of the marina.
Both ships were named “Johnson”, one was Irving Johnson and the other Exy Johnson. WikiPedia tells us that they are brigantines belonging to the Los Angeles Maritime Institute.
On board this day were some local young people who, apparently, were learning about sailing, teamwork, and such. The movement of this ship out into the main roadway of the marina was a demonstration of excellent seamanship. It was pointed in the “wrong direction”, so to speak, and had to be turned around. That required backing with the ship’s engines and with the assistance of a pair of Zodiacs acting as tugs.
Once the ship was out at the position you see here, one of the Zodiacs was hoisted aboard. The young folks working together to handle the lines. Us “landlubbers: got quite a show as we watched work. All we needed was a little yo ho ho and some seaworthy chanties.