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Speakers Done!

Speakers Done!

Refurbished speakers with new foam
The refurbished speakers with new foam rings look great! Now they are ready for testing.
Finished Tannoy PBM-8 studio speakers. Classics from 1988.
Finished Tannoy PBM-8 studio speakers. Classics from 1988. Nicely refurbished, they sound just as good now as they did in ’88. By the way, the little box on top is a PSB, and it sounds spectacular, too!

Well, mission accomplished. The last time I briefly went over the process of replacing the fabric for the speaker covers. These Tannoy PBM-8 studio speakers are now ready for final assembly and testing!

After hooking them up to my classic Technics SA-160 I cranked them up and woo hooo!  Very nice sound all the way around.