Interesting Goodies, Web, Photos, Writing, & More


Whitby Abby

Whitby Abbey, across from the town of Whitby, North Yorkshite, UK
Whitby Abbey, across from the town of Whitby, North Yorkshite, UK

The Famous Watermelon

The Lincoln Watermelon
This aluminum statue of a watermelon in Lincoln, IL commemorates the naming of the town by Abraham Lincoln. Associates of Lincoln suggested the name, and the future president christened the town by pouring juice from a watermelon that had been scooped out with a tin cup. Mr. Lincoln is reported to have said at the moment, “I’ve never known anything by the name of Lincoln that has ever amounted to much.”

Maui View

View of the Pacific from near the gravesite of Charles Lindberg on Maui
View of the Pacific from near the gravesite of Charles Lindberg on Maui

Montana Trash Burner

Montana Wood Trash Burner - we used to see these across the West before the air pollution rules forced them to be shut down
Montana Wood Trash Burner – we used to see these across the West before the air pollution rules forced them to be shut down